il portale ufficiale della cultura a Trieste the official website of culture in Trieste

From the Mediterranean to Middle-Europa. From Art to Science. From Human Being to Robot

Sunday 17.06.2018
Stazione Rogers
Jadran Lenarčič, Director of “J. Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana
In a globalized multitude, the capability to adapt to trends and innovations and to express one’s own identity is crucial. The turning point that has affected new technologies in the last decade has caused unexpected changes in relation to economic, ethical and sociological issues. For a community to succeed, it is now essential for their members to master at least three languages: the mother tongue, the (English) IT language, and the “creativity” language. Creativity fathoms unknown, unexplored spaces and, just like the rainbow appears after the rain and immediately disappears, creativity needs similar specific conditions to exist. It flourishes in those environments where knowledge, diversity, exchanges and cultural development can be found. The aim is to create environments where the craziest and most progressive ideas can grow and support their reciprocal development. With new technologies – and robotics in particular – radically transforming civilization, our community will face important challenges and opportunities.
Stazione Rogers